Another summer is coming to a close and we are in the midst of a heatwave here in northern California. These 100 degree days make working in the studio very uncomfortable, the best time to be out there is early in the morning—and what a great way that is to start the day!
Recently I’ve been experimenting on a series of monochrome botanical pieces, using deep marine blue glass to form intricate flowers and stems. Trying to tell the story of the garden with just the texture of the lamp-worked glass. This week I’m working on the Night Garden series: hemlock, belladonna, oleander, wolfsbane… will post pictures when they’re out of the kiln. In the meantime, here is a piece I completed for Judy last week—definitely not monochromatic!
And if you happen to be in Novato, stop by the WestAmerica bank on the corner of Grant Avenue and First Street—they have several of my pieces on display.